On September 8, 2023, HLN participated in the 41st WorldVistA Community Meeting to share information about the Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE) software. There were more than 75 attendees at the virtual meeting, with sessions recorded and available for a wider audience. The WorldVistA Community Meeting supports stakeholders from around the globe in connecting and sharing information about the open source Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA).
Originally developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VistA has been adopted and modified to support other users and functionalities, including the Indian Health Service (IHS) Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS).
HLN was pleased to present at the WorldVistA meeting with IHS, – “Use of ICE for immunization forecasting” to discuss how the ICE open source software is integrated and used in RPMS. The HLN ICE team provided an overview of the evaluation and forecasting software and the IHS representative shared examples of how ICE evaluation and forecasting information is available within the clinical workflow.
To learn more about ICE see www.hln.com/ice. If your organization has questions or would like an overview of the ICE software, please reach out to the ICE team at ice@hln.com.