Over the next several months HLN will be attending a number of important healthcare and public health meetings and events and presenting our work and perspectives. Events and presentations include:
2018 OSEHRA Open Source Summit (July 18-20): HLN will be joining colleagues on the Immunization Working Group for an update of the groups activities, including an update about HLN’s ICE Open Source Immunization Evaluation and Forecasting System (7/18, Afternoon Session II, 2:30pm ET).
American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) 2018 National Meeting (August 14-16): As a gold sponsor of the meeting, HLN shows its strong commitment to the Immunization Information System (IIS) community. We will deliver several presentations during this conference, including:
Strategies for Evaluating and Integrating SmartyStreets (Session 1B, 8/14, 1pm MT)
- IIS Platform or Module Migration – Is Your Program Prepared? [with CDC, AIRA & PHII] (Session 2B, 8/14, 2:30pm MT)
- CAIR2 Patient Matching: Solving the 25 Million Piece Puzzle [with CA and DXC] Session 3A, 8/15, 9:15am MT)
- IIS Past, Present, and Future: A Conversation and a Discussion [with PHII] (Session 4E, 8/15, 11am MT)
- Comparative Analysis of AFIX-IIS Tools [with CA] (Session 5D, 8/15, 1pm MT)
- Cloud-Based Solutions: A Good Option for Hosting CDS for Immunizations (Session 5D, 8/15, 1pm MT)
- Vaccines For Children (VFC)-IIS Integration Strategy [with CA] (Session 6E, 8/15, 2pm MT)
- ICE: An Open Source Option for Immunization Forecasting (Session 7D, 8/16, 11am MT)
- Hearing from Everyone: Diverse Perspectives to Improve Oregon School Immunization Reporting [with OR] (Session 8C, 8/16, 9:45am MT)
HLN will also have an exhibitor booth at the meeting.
2018 Public Health Informatics (PHI) Conference (August 19-23): HLN will have an even greater presence at this bi-annual CDC-sponsored conference including delivery of the following presentations:
- Case Study for Cloud Computing Solutions in Public Health: Clinical Decision Support (Session E03, 8/21, 4:15pm ET)
- Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS): Developing Quality Decision Support in the Data Supply Chain for Public Health Surveillance [with CSTE] Session B01, 8/21, 10:30am ET)
- A Collaborative Approach to Supporting Information System Migration Projects [with CDC, AIRA, & PHII] (Session G01, 8/22, 1:30pm ET)
- Clinical Decision Support for Immunizations as a Community-drive, Standards-based Activity [with CDC & NYC] (Session H04, 8/22, 3pm ET)
- Developing a Data Integration and Management System: Improving New York City’s Population Health Research and Surveillance [with NYC] (Session H07, 8/22, 3pm ET)
- The Changing Face of Interoperability and its Impact on Public Health (Session K11, 8/23, 9:15am ET)
In addition to being an exhibitor at the conference, HLN will demonstrate some of its Open Source software as part of a HIMSS Interoperability Showcase that accompanies this event:
- Immunization Use Case – ICE Immunization Evaluation and Forecasting System
- Electronic Case Reporting Use Case – Reportable Conditions Knowledge Management System (RCKMS)
Health Level 7 (HL7) 32nd Annual Plenary and Working Group Meeting (9/29-10/5): HLN will attend this important gathering, including demonstrating our Open Source products at the FHIR Connectathon that takes place in conjunction with the meeting.
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