On November 13, 2017 HLN held its first meeting of a newly-formed advisory board for its award-winning Open Source Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE) software. The ICE Review Board, as it will be known, is made up of a diverse set of public health, academic, and private-sector stakeholders. Its purpose is to provide feedback and recommendations for improving ICE and its related products. Working in conjunction with a Subject Matter Expert Workgroup, which is also convened by HLN and meets regularly to ensure that default ICE rules are being developed to adhere to Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) clinical guidelines, the Review Board will focus more on the overall direction and functionality of the clinical decision support products. This includes identifying enhancements or emerging needs of the clinical community for consideration. The Review Board is expected to meet quarterly.
ICE is a fully configurable vaccine forecasting/decision support web service tool which provides state-of-the-art clinical decision support for immunizations (CDSi). ICE can be used in Immunization Information Systems (IIS), Electronic Health Records (EHR), Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and Personal Health Record (PHR) Systems. In June 2017, HLN was awarded the 2017 Upshot Award for Excellence in Vaccine Supply, Access, and Use by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) for its work on ICE.