The more we discuss the need to build awareness of public health modernization efforts and recognize the constraints in doing so, the more we understand the tremendous value in promoting the various public-private relationships and partnerships that are so prevalent and invaluable. So invaluable that HIMSS convened a public health pre-conference workshop in 2024 with their partners including the Electronic Health Record Association (EHRA), the American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA), the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) with primary objectives to educate, learn and forge connections focused around public health data modernization.
Co-sponsored by HLN Consulting, LLC and Amazon Web Services (AWS), the energy of the pre-conference workshop was palpable, bringing together representatives from public health policy, private organizations, federal, tribal, legal and media to discuss data modernization needs, challenges, and barriers, as well as identifying potential opportunities to implement TEFCA in public health. Legal, fiscal and standardization factors were explored through the diverse opinions and perspectives of the 140 participants attending the invitation-only event.
The half-day session was organized around two segments with presentations from HIMSS, its federal and state partners active in the data modernization and/or TEFCA space and a second segment of facilitated table discussions on one of two self-selected topics: Public Policy, Partnerships and Funding or TEFCA, Health Information Exchange and Public Health. Each table, by design, hosted participants from state and local PHAs and tribal organizations, national and global nonprofit organizations, ASTP/ONC and CDC, health IT suppliers and consultants, healthcare organizations and payers, Canadian provincial governments, and others such as academia. Each group was diverse by worksite and experience level, which was commented on by many as an opportunity to foster learning and cross-collaboration with individuals with whom they seldom crossed paths. The participants scribed notes from their table discussions and presented key findings and potential next steps or actions to the larger group. A more detailed description of the workshop and its outputs is available in the Perspectives on Public Health Data Modernization: A HIMSS24 Workshop Summary.
The HIMSS24 pre-conference public health workshop was so well received and integral in convening this diverse group of participants for discussions promoting and progressing key public health topics. The next pre-conference public health session for HIMSS25 is now open admission to encourage others to bring their voice to the table on topics related to public health data. As a HIMSS Gold sponsor, HLN Consulting will support this dynamic event again in collaboration with AWS, Cloudwick, Docket, and InductiveHealth. This year’s topics will include interoperability across public health and health care settings, data standards, TEFCA, electronic case reporting, workforce challenges, public policy, and funding sustainability; all of which are currently being discussed in a variety of settings. The HIMSS25 public health pre-conference workshop will provide a more structured and usable forum for these crucial topics.
With over 200 participants expected, reserve your seat early for next year’s event to experience and share in the energy, passion, and innovation of the public health community! Click here for more information.