HLN Blogs
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HLN Participates in HIMSS18 Interoperability Showcase
During the week of March 5 HLN participated along with other public health colleagues in the HIMSS18 Interoperability Showcase which features real-life demonstrations of health information interoperability.
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ONC Selects Noam Arzt to serve on the Trusted Exchange Framework Task Force
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) has selected Dr. Noam H. Arzt, President of HLN Consulting (HLN), as a member of the Trusted Exchange Framework Task Force. This group of healthcare and health information technology specialists will advise ONC on various aspects of the Draft Trusted Exchange Framework.
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TEFCA: A Public Health Perspective (final)
In January 2018 the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) issued a draft Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA), and related supporting documents, in response to a requirement imposed by Congress in the 21st Century Cures Act.
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HLN Participates in PCORS CDS Learning Network National Webinar
Dr. Noam Arzt, President of HLN, spoke about the business case for clinical decision support for immunizations, and about HLN’s Open Source ICE vaccine evaluation and forecasting product in a national webinar on January 18, 2018.
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Approaches for IIS-HIE Collaboration
IIS and HIE projects need to work together to determine which option for collaboration is best. In large part, choices will depend on how stakeholders wish for the HIE to be involved in IIS data exchange – both short‐term and long‐term. Projects should consider HIE intermediation within the context of overall long‐term HIE/public health data exchange strategy.
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HIE: The New Landscape
In the past several years we have seen a real shift in leadership over Health Information Exchange (HIE) in the US. The phase out of the ONC State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program in 2014 marked a real turning point in HIE planning and implementation as ONCs leadership has waned and other more market-driven forces have ascended.
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