HLN Blogs
Read our insights about what is going on in Health IT

The Challenge of Documenting COVID Vaccinations from Overseas
Managing and documenting vaccination events for US residents who received COVID-19 vaccinations outside of the US is challenging and may not get easier anytime soon.
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CMS IPPS Proposed Rule Could Benefit Public Health
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposed revision to the Medicare hospital inpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS) for operating and capital-related costs of acute care hospitals.
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HLN To Present at AIRA 2021 and HIMSS21 Digital Symposium
HLN will be presenting at the following conferences in August 2021:
1. American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA) 2021 National Meeting – August 3-5
2. HIMSS21 Public Health Informatics Digital Symposium – August 9-13

Towards a National COVID-19 Vaccine Credential Strategy in the US
Over the past several months, we have described how the vaccine credential effort in the US differs from the situation in other countries. In this blog we review the “facts on the ground” as we see them and offer a way forward for the US.
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Vaccine Credentials Do Not Replace Full Vaccination Histories
As part of their core function, Immunization Information Systems (IIS) already provide complete and comprehensive immunization records for the individuals whose records they hold either directly or through a clinical provider. In this article we will address the similarities and differences between vaccine credentials and traditional immunization histories and offer some opportunities for public health to maintain its role in data access.
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Vaccine Credential Activities: Redirecting the Conversation for Public Health Registries
How should public health agencies understand and manage the flurry of controversy – and the loud cautions – surrounding digital vaccine credentials? This blog post is part of a series of posts we have written over the past few weeks.
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