HLN Blogs
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HLN supports updates to COVID-19 vaccine group in its Award Winning ICE Open Source Immunization Forecaster
HLN released a new version (v1.38.1) of the Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE). Version 1.37.1 includes updates to the COVID-19 vaccine group to align ICE with the latest immunization recommendations.
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HLN Presents at CDC-ONC Industry Days
HLN attended and presented at CDC-ONC Industry Days on February 27-28, 2023 in Washington, DC. This was the first event of its kind, convened by the CDC Foundation for CDC and ONC.
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HLN Participates in HL7 Connectathon in Las Vegas
HLN participated in the HL7 FHIR Connectathon in Las Vegas on January 14-15, 2023 representing the Rhode Island Child and Adult Immunization Registry (RICAIR) in the Helios Accelerator Bulk Data Track.
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Data Modernization Initiative: Some Barriers and Challenges
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has launched a data modernization initiative (DMI) focused on improving the data management capacity of public health in the US. Congress has appropriated a significant amount of funding for Federal and state, territorial, local, and tribal (STLT) public health agencies. We present some sizable barriers and challenges to seeing the vision for DMI come to fruition.
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HLN updates support for COVID-19 and other vaccine groups in its Award Winning ICE Open Source Immunization Forecaster
HLN released a new version (v1.37.1) of the Immunization Calculation Engine (ICE). Version 1.37.1 includes significant updates to the COVID-19 vaccine group to align ICE with the latest immunization recommendations. Version 1.37.1 also includes updates to the Hepatitis B, Orthopoxvirus, and Pneumococcal vaccine groups.
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ONC HITAC Public Health Data Systems Task Force Releases Recommendations
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s (ONC) Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC) approved the recommendations of its ad hoc Public Health Data Systems Task Force. Check out the specific comments of the recommendations.
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